Looking at Price Versus Quality

by Meg Johnston Burke 03/18/2019

If you have ever thought "is it worth it to spend extra on a product or should you get something cheap?" you have probably been wondering if the additional cost worth it. Price can be a very prominent determining factor in our purchasing decisions especially if you are on a tight budget. The goal is to make sure that you are not sacrificing when you make a cost-based decision. There are things that everyone knows are worth the extra cost, but you are wondering if they are worth it for you! Is organic food really better for you? Should you spend more for make-up or can you get by at the drugstore? Will that rug or mattress or lawnmower have a significantly longer life then its cheaper counterpart and if it will, does that matter to you and your situation? Take a look at these categories to see if you relate. 

Food and make-up 

Organic food has become quite a craze but is it worth it? The answer depends on why you are buying it. If you are trying to stay away from pesticides and other harmful additives in your food then maybe. For example apples, strawberries, potatoes and greens among others all test higher for amounts of pesticides. Make-up goes on your skin which is your largest organ. Your skin absorbs what is on it within a minute of being applied, and low-quality products can block pores and cause breakouts in the process. High-quality brands tend to last much longer than cheap ones since each application requires less product. Always research to determine what is best for you.

The same principle in the house as in your body 

If the product that you are looking at will be for a temporary purpose, then it may be okay to settle for the cheaper option. On the other hand, if you are looking for something that will last a few years or that will be well-used, such as lawn equipment or a rug or water heater, considering a better quality product could be essential to keeping the cost down. For instance, if you decide to settle on the $100 lawn mower for your half-acre lot, then it will be unlikely to last more than one season, not to mention taking you longer on that chore each time. On the other hand, if you spent $300 or more on a higher quality mower, it is likely to last you for much longer. 

Do your research and find help from professionals near you

Your needs from what you are purchasing can help you to determine if the cost is worth it for you. Keep in mind what it is used for, how long it will be needed and how much use it will get. When you are considering a purchase and want to know the pros and cons of cost versus quality look for someone who knows the products that you are looking at like the customer assistant at your local home improvement store or mattress expert, etc.

About the Author

Meg Johnston Burke

Meg & Loudoun County: Back in 1993, we moved here from Pennsylvania, thinking we'd stay for a year or two -- well clearly, Loudoun is "home" now! In the past, I was a broadcast advertising rep (Philly market) and an at-home mom, until 2000, when I jumped into the real estate business. Even with all the ups & downs, I've loved this business (& especially my clients) ever since!